The Spirit Rock
What is the Spirit Rock?
Principal Beth with the new Spirit Rock
Parents, Students & Staff have the opportunity to “Rent the Rock” to recognize a student’s birthday, show school spirit, thank or recognize a teacher or staff member, congratulatory events, etc. It is a great way to spread positive messages and increase excitement in our community!
In keeping with the JSM Code of Conduct and Behavior Guidelines, JSM will not allow any bullying, profanity, obscenity or derogatory language. Please refrain from any political or discriminatory remarks. If there is any question to the wording or symbols painted on the rock, we reserve the right to remove/repaint the rock without notice.
Don’t forget to take pictures of your students with the rock and tag Friends of James Simons on Instagram!
How can I rent the rock?
Go to the sign-up genius and select your date:
24-25 School Year - Reserve the Rock
How reservations work
For example, If your child’s birthday is March 3rd, sign up for March 3rd. You may begin painting between 5-6 pm on the day prior to your reservation. If your reservation is for a Monday; you will need to paint it on Friday afternoon as school gates will be locked on Sunday. Your reservation is for a 24 hour period; going from 5 pm the day before to 5pm the date you have it rented. For example, if you rent it for March 3rd; the rock may be painted beginning at 5 pm on March 2nd and will remain painted until 5 pm on March 3rd.
How much does it cost to rent the rock and how do I pay?
$15; 100% of your donation goes to JSM.
Pay via Venmo: @friendsofjamessimons
What supplies do I need?
You will typically need two cans of spray paint for the base coat and additional paint for your design.
For more intricate designs, craft paint, foam brushes and even stencils work great.
Our friends at Artist and Craftsman Supply can also help you finding the right tools for the job!
What if I reserve the rock and the weather is bad?
The rock can be towel dried and the paint will adhere even in the rain if you want to brave the elements.
If painting in the rain is not your thing, revisit the calendar and pick the next available date.
What if the rock is already reserved on the date I want?
Rock reservations are on a first come, first serve basis so make your reservations NOW!! If the date you want is already reserved, choose the next available date, either before or after.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact with subject line “Spirit Rock” and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please do not contact the school.
Thank you again for supporting JSM. We hope that the Spirit Rocks will become a fun & exciting tradition for students and parents for years to come.